Armed with decades of experience in a wide array of environmental and natural resources regulatory compliance requirements, Ascent professionals are here to help you with your most challenging and complex environmental approvals.

Assisting our clients with the complexities of environmental and natural resources-related regulatory approvals is a cornerstone of Ascent’s consulting services. We have extensive experience in effective, strategic approaches for securing environmental permit approvals. Our approach emphasizes providing credible and complete information and pursuing open and engaging coordination with regulatory decision makers. It has been our experience that regulatory agencies need to trust the credibility and balanced objectivity of the information upon which they will base their permit approvals. We have applied this strategic approach successfully for private developments and public facilities. Our expertise includes:

  • Clean Water Act, Section 404 Wetland Permits, and 401 Water Quality Certifications
  • Fish and Game Code Section 1602, Streambed Alteration Agreements
  • Endangered Species Act, Section 7 Biological Assessments, Opinions, and Consultations
  • Endangered Species act, Section 10(a) Habitat Conservation Plans and Incidental Take Permits
  • California Endangered Species Act, Section 2081 Incidental Take Permits, and 2080.1 Consistency Determinations
  • TRPA development permits
  • Coastal development permits and Bay Conservation and Development Commission permits

We also support our clients in securing environmental and land use approvals that involve soil contamination or water quality concerns, such as environmental approvals for hazardous materials remediation plans under Department of Toxic Substances Control procedures and water quality approvals under the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act.